Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Thank you my dear Halloween Friends (Part 2)

This was my first time having an outdoor booth. The weather was weird... Cloudy and rainy...and Sunny! It was fun to dress up a little! Thanks to all my friends who came dow for the event on both days. I only took pictures on the first day. Nevertheless Muack Muack to all my supporters :) U all rockz!

The Halloween girls who came down! I think my props are pretty attractive and everyone looked really good!

My favourite picture because we look really good with the gear (covering our faces!)

Sel who brought her cute baby down for the event. I  need to find the picture of the cute pumpkin baby !

The trio - took us a lot of effort to find the right lighting as the sun was scotching hot.

Wicked, so wicked!

Hanya who accompanied me for many shifts! Muack!

Nice pose!

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